Look What You Did #2 : Shaolin Soccer
Hello folks, welcome to look what you did the show or me and my friend get together and talk about a film
That's not necessarily bad, but kind of bonkers like today's film. We're gonna talk about for sure
That friend in question you may know him from the doctor movie
podcast and of course
The new I don't say improved man, but I love if I love the superman episode
I listen to Jadina Jones one yet, but um, I got I didn't see the last one
But Ricky Morgan is here. How you doing, sir?
What's happening my friend? I am here and I
got my
My my monkey run. I'm ready to kick some balls here, man
Well, I do have to say before we get into this that I
Couldn't find an overdubbed version and the version that had the subtitles
Wasn't correct. So I'm guessing at what I'm gonna talk about
You should have said something about that. I would have hooked you up, man. I had a really nice
That's alright. Yes spoilers. They said this. I mean, do you do you really need to know know a lot?
I mean not not terribly, you know, but you know, you can get the story from the visuals and a lot of it
Right us was the last time I said less way to show I said this is on Paramount Plus
It still says on Paramount Plus, but it is not on Paramount Plus people. So
You might have to buy this one or rent this one because I think it's a it's a hell of a trouble finding it
Yeah, yeah, I did I had a little trouble finding
The film a question probably is called Shaollin and Soccer. This is from 2001
It's one of those the Trey's bootlegs I got from the flea market. Yes sometime ago, but mirror max
Managed to put it out eventually my physical media
This is a written. Oh, this is directed co-written and starring the great Steven Chow
Who you guys made over from Kung Fu hustle? He's a star that we as well. That's that's a good time right there kung fu hustle
Oh, yeah
Your cheapo plots and ops up this movie is a young shalloin follower
reunites with his discouraged brothers to form a soccer team using their martial arts skills to their advantage. Oh
Man, this is wild
I guess this is the one that I saw and I used to go to the flea market a lot and
My friend would sell me things to say hey watch this new tie a movie with with Donnie N
Or watch this and watch that and that's right first. I'll battle royale and right first
Oh, yeah first first saw this like it's about soccer, right? This is gonna be duller shit and then you know I watch it
It's like it's bonkers. It's bonkers from head to toe
But yeah
But yeah, that's about a
Homeless guy I guess he has a place to live but the day you find that out later
But he's like a basically a derelict who's you know, he's he's
arrogant as hell and he seems to have all these martial arts skills that are
Unworldly and he uses them to like push cars and like you know kick beer cans and insanely and
But the meat potatoes this film is um this guy just a great footballer soccer player
Who got fucked over he essentially gets these guys together to use their skills to
Make a soccer team to go against his rival who's
the leader of team evil because he gets to guess what they are guys
And it goes back to their youth too because these two guys were on a team together and
You know he got the blame for
missing a shot and losing the game and
The people come out of the crowd and just break his leg
You find out later. They were hired to do that because you know, yeah
Not only did they pay our
Current coach coach hung off to do throw the match
He got his leg broken for that and um, yeah
Good old good old golden leg right there and then did that that's uh, I'll coach hung is the evil coach
I'm sorry. I are our coach is golden leg fun who um
He's the one the guys like broken for his trouble and it's this grace and has to you know
Have to have somebody step on his head to polish his shoe and he's uh, yeah, it's it's it's it's a bad situation
But I've seen this four multiple times Ricky. This is your first time talking about this film
What are your thoughts on yeah, I'm sorry. We thought the challenge lockers. Oh, I mean you said it earlier
I'm a huge fan of kung fu hustle. So when I saw Steven chow was doing this is like, oh, yeah
I mean, I don't really know why I missed this one, but
Like I said, I had a little trouble
But it's it's everything that I loved about kung fu hustle, but on a soccer field and
It's just yeah, like I said, it's bonkers
I mean, it's it's one of those things that you kind of want to show other people and go you just
I'm not gonna explain it. Just watch this part
It's it's a lot of fun and
It's just
Insane it's absolutely insane the fact that you're taking these guys that have these
these superhuman powers and
Turn them into a soccer team, but they're not the only ones
I mean the other teams they go up against you find out that they have powers too. So
You have a pretty big showdown here at the end. It's that's pretty awesome against team evil. So
It lays it out right there
What all about this film is it's kind of like a mixture of things
I mean you got some blues brothers thrown in there these brothers are broke up. They all have different jobs now
You know one's like an accountant. What one's just like a disgraced degenerate
He's all fat and stuff and he can't do anything more
But but look at that guy is he could do so everything although he's chubby
So if you like it some fat guy marshal art stuff like like a Samo hon thing this guy who who plays um
Oh, what is his name? They call him lightweight ironically
This guy could do some stuff too although he's heavy
So it's fun. It's fun to watch a fat guy kick ass um
And it's funny. It's because like that's like they have to relearn their powers too
It's like they've put them aside and they forgot how to use them and he's working at a
grocery store and he's stocking a shelf and he can't really reach the top and
He fails at doing that and they're like, oh, he's going to use his powers to you know reach up there and
ends up crashing down so
It's it's like it's like the bad news bears really when you think about it
Uh, you're taking these guys that really have no purpose of being on a soccer field
But they all have these powers but you know slowly one by one they start, you know beating these teams
They start getting their their act together
Uh, only to find out that you know
Really they're in the they're not in the same category as some of these other teams, but that's what makes it so fun
By the way, this show is brought brought to you by Teflon soccer balls
Where they'll break anything and even even you so there's that you know, that's uh
Had to throw a little helming in there because you know that the thing that allows me, you know
Because these soccer balls this movie could take a beating
Especially during these matches where you literally have them
Going on fire and flying into people but then when they hit it when the the opposing
Goalie of team evil catches the ball
It is no longer a flame but it lands in his hand
Now at the velocity that this ball is kicked at this man. It should have exploded in his chest, you know, right?
Yeah, not not these teams though. Not not these soccer balls. So yeah, it's it's outlandish and I love the the the bruce lee
Uh game of death goalie, you know, it's not an accident either, you know, right?
But yeah, I mean it's it's got something for everybody. I just I think it's a lot of fun
Uh, and again, I was trying to guess at some stuff that was being said
uh, you can't talk about this without talking about the love interest and uh
Making dumplings, you know her sweet sweet bones, man. She's the best at it
You know and going from super shy and and you know recluse to
Kind of saving the day, you know, so yeah, I mean it's
It's insane
It's funny. You mentioned the bad news bears. Um, you know, the the reason why they were so good is because they had they had
Ringers you had kelly leek and they had amanda, you know come in and you know make them better
These guys are the the underdog because they're they're you know, they're down and out but
They're they're really not the underdogs, you know, once once they get down to business and
You know when they get down to business
I love the training montage is kind of perfect because they have to learn the
Take these skills that they have learned
And slow it down to to the point of you know, this is how you kick the ball
This is how you juggle the ball and what I first one of the favorite scenes of the film is where um
He makes our man
Mighty steel leg uh a sing
Kick the egg without breaking it
Every time he would break one
Yeah, good old friggin lightweight with loses mine because those were his eggs, you know, right?
I'll buy you more. I'll buy you more. He's like sucking them off his shoe and sucking them out his mouth and you know
It's so stupid, but I love it so much that it's so random
Yeah, it's it's super random. But yeah, I mean, I that's what I kept saying the whole time watching. It's like man, this is it's like
Bad news bears. I mean because you're getting the the rag tag team
Don't have the abilities, but you know, they've got the heart, right?
And they build it off of that and it's kind of like that a little bit of slap shot mixed in there together because
The ultimate go is to to rub it into face of the leader of
You know, the guy that owns everything our main bad guy
So yeah, I mean it's it's the only thing that's different is, you know, we should have thrown the trophy at the end, you know
Yeah, exactly. You know, they do win because yeah, they figure out they figure out a way to win and
Yeah, the way is uh
good old uh
movie or movie I raise her name. She did the love interest who
Looks like she has acne all over her face. I'm not sure if that's from working
With with the biscuits all those years just like but when she comes back and she shaves her head as as as the monk
She has a clean face. So I guess it cleared her very nicely, you know. Oh, yeah. Yeah
That's what happens, you know, you you get pure, you know
Yeah, I purify by the monk lower man
You you really can't
It's hard to describe this movie because it's it's all over the place but
The CGI stuff, of course, it's you know, would you say 2001?
Yeah, and yeah, I mean so you're right at the edge of
really pulling some things off and
But it really works for the story, you know, even though the same thing would come through hustle, right?
The effects are crazy over the top, but it works for the story
and I think you get the same thing here to where it it actually works
It's just a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun
My favorite scenes of the whole film is is a silly scene. Um,
I have a lot of favorite scenes in this film, but ironhead who's sing's partner
His first brother as he calls them for some reason
He he runs like as like a bar back for this bar for this club
And they had a musical act so him and sing have to go put up a put up a performance up there
He has some some Shaolin rock and roll or something
His boss yeah, that's crazy his boss in this film
He's called ironhead's his boss just breaks bottles over his head
But during the performance all the time he has like a like a waistband full of bottles to throw at him just have to ready
I love that stupid thing so much, you know
Yeah, but it's it's again. It's that thing right and it's hey, you know, it'd be funny here
You know, and I don't know again. That's that's what you get with Steven chow. I think that's
Just his flair that that he brings to it's what makes his movie so different
and you know
I haven't I haven't seen one yet that hasn't been entertaining
So he's just I don't know. He's got a knack for that
Wait, the way the way they play all these guys play physical comedy in this movie is um, oh, yeah
It's wonderful. It's that's what that makes it work in my opinion and yeah
That that that and they I mentioned a montage, you know, I forgot to mention were you know
Our hero our leader the team is
Is juggling the ball against the brick wall and the more he learns it like the cooler it looks he
He kicks he gets a final kick to the ball and it flies in the stratosphere somewhere
Again, just throw away reality these these monks could do amazing things, you know, including
Including turn a ball into a puma as it kicks into the opposing team and
Which I read there. There's a lot of puma product placement. I guess maybe they provided some of the gear or something
Right. Yeah, when they do the whole shoe run, right, you know, and then when they finally get an endorsement or whatever
And yeah, the ball turns into the puma and they're wearing puma stuff
So it's like a big product placement thing and it's not crazy noticeable
It's just if you didn't read about it, you wouldn't notice it. It's just hey, wow
He turned that ball into a friggin fiery puma, you know
You believe that too, you know, sure
I mean again, you're taking what we love about the martial arts flicks and the the abilities that these monks have
And you're just giving to these guys a little music on a soccer field. I mean, it's
It's not that far of a stretch. I mean, I see movies a lot more often that are
way more of a stretch than this idea and
Like I said, Steven
Somehow makes it work and you go, this is awesome
Yeah, that's great that the coat the other coach is great too. He's just he's just uh like an evil douchebag
Like uh, I don't know if you know who the comic artist jim sterenko is
He always dresses like he's George Hamilton or something
This this guy this film's like dressed to the nines and the hair slicked back and he looks like he's evil and
One of my favorite things in the movie is his group of ringers
One of which is in the bottom of the swimming pool like training
Like he's managing to keep himself balanced in the bottom of the pool along with this soccer ball
And then also you see like this tidal wave shoot ups, you know
Like I mentioned before we did before on the last review
Describe this this is drag a ball z with with soccer. They have ungodly powers
Yeah, this guy apparently could stand at the bottom of the pool and just you know do crazy shit. Yeah
Oh, yeah, absolutely fun, man
But yeah, I I I I said I've seen this and this had trouble being released by mirror max apparently
They had a problem with steven chow
Why they were gonna us released till like two years later of when they were gonna release it because
Something with the dubbing he went he wanted to dub himself and I guess he did on the american release
I'd have received this not dubbed so but I know I knew it existed because I know mirror max put it out
So if you're looking for a physical copy of this, uh, it's probably easier to find than a
Uh, uh digital copy because I haven't seen on a lot of formats unfortunately
It was a big struggle to get here, which is why
The bootleg market was so strong with this one in the states. Yeah, I've seen I've seen it everywhere
You know you'd go you would go and
And I guess this is like at the time like the highest grossing hong kong
We ever existed like 60 million that made at the box office. Yeah
And um, steven chow was a star. Yeah, I I get it. I do I really do I think
You know, it's in a lot of ways. It's a better movie than kung fu hustle
You know and you're reaching out to a different crowd with with the whole soccer aspect, right?
So, yeah, I mean I I totally get it. It's it's absolutely fun
I need to find a dub copy of it and see it that way for sure. Yeah, I think um
Yeah, I think it's a mirror mac for it out. So it shouldn't be it should be crazy hard to find
What's just like that crazy out of print? Um
But yeah, this is this is something I enjoy this this is my kind of stupid and and oh, yeah
There's not many films that are like this and right
It's it's the fact that they're using soccer as a catalyst
It is you know as much as people say oh soccer that's that's kind of lame
Well, it's still the most popular sport throughout the entire world
It just is that that that in gall for probably the most popular sports that there is
Right. Yeah, so reaching to that whole audience in the international level
You show them what you show them and you know these crazy visuals. I I love the
I love the scene where the girls
making the dough balls
It's so simple, but you know, she's she's mixing the the flower around and put it together just with her
Shallowing action going on there and yeah, it it's in everything man
Everything that these people do and that's that of course, that's obviously what draws into it at first, you know
But uh, you know the whole shoe scenario, right? Yeah
It's just great. It's great movie gave her the gave her those major shoes as freaking payment. You know
Then she goes and fixes them and she fixes them again in the end of the movie like I
I already have shoes. You don't have these shoes. She put like the steel cleats out and form and stuff and
Right gives them the the the the the power to to to win and of course the power to to love
Because you see in the end of the movie, which is you can call it silly
But it all comes into play where he's talking talking to the coach about
You know, oh that person would have the child moving that car if they use this this technique of shallowing
That that person wouldn't lost his job trimming those hedges if he would he did this thing this thing this level of shallowing and
Right at the end you see everybody like is like a shallowing sensation because they won this soccer match and
They're all doing moves in the street one of my favorite baller moves in the movie
At the very end where they don't pick them up on the bus
So they all do the the hops and the jumps to get on the double deck of bus
It's just right. It's a stupid CG thing
But it's it's stuff. I love you know
Yeah, I mean it but again it ties into
All those things that we love from all the old martial arts flicks, right?
I mean, that's that's the beauty of it and again, that's kind of what he does
he's able to take these things and
and put them into a more
modern time
and make it work and
you know
I think about the
The soccer team they played that were all the the girls with the mustaches
You know, yeah, they were paying on and I think that the one go ahead like a glued on goatee or something for a reason
you know
Or it's just
You know as soon as you think things are going to calm down and you get some normalcy
It's just it throws another thing at you and it's just it doesn't stop and I think that's brilliant
And no explanation. They just happen, you know, that's that's what I like about it
They're doing it doing everything like that. I mean the whole idea of their goalie who's uh, I already sure tin
is the goalie of the team and
He could literally make make the soccer ball spin around on his chest like he's got like a plate there or something and
Right, he's it's insane
I don't want to give away too much crazy things because you guys need to see this film
And I'm gonna I'm gonna let ricky talk for a little bit longer while I look up where you could find this film due to purchase because
I am I am unprepared in that sense. I know I got it
But it was it was enough from an unsavory location. So, you know, right? Yeah
Well, I mean that's kind of where I had to go as well just just to find it. So
Obviously you can pick it up on on amazon stuff like that. It's like they got the dvd out there
I don't know about a blu-ray, but uh, I mean you can find it to purchase but as far as is, you know
Getting to just scan it. I had trouble but uh
Maybe you have better luck. Maybe you got other surfaces that you you guys check out and can find it there
Chances are if you clicked on this to listen to this show, you probably already have a copy of this
That's what I would think
But yeah, uh, you know, it was really a surprise for me
Checking this one out and I didn't know it was a Steven Child movie till the credit started rolling and it said it's like, wow
Okay, that's I I knew what I was in for it's kind of like when you see like Sam Raimi's name on something
you pretty much know
What you're gonna get and it's kind of the same way with Steven and he delivers man. I'm telling you not every time
He did do that. Um, what for for the love of the game Sam Raimi did it like well, that's different, you know
That's you know, that's a money. That's a that's a that's a money thing there, right? I mean, that's yeah
Yeah available to renter by you can buy it
You can buy it for for 10 bucks on digital and amazon are rented for four bucks. So there you go
You guys might really like this one though. I'm not sure about a physical release. I'm gonna look that up right now too while we're talking
Yeah, yeah, just DVD though 999. I'm sure that's the mere max one
So they'll probably have some kind of anniversary edition or something, you know, I wish but I don't think it exists in this country
It just uh, yeah
But 10 bucks for physical release and I think you won't be upset if you buy if you bought the physical release
It's just uh, yeah
This is uh, this is crazy stupid fun
It's a turn your brain off to turn off what you think about physics. So they don't exist in this movie people
Yeah, they do not exist in this movie at all
and um
Go go and show in powers yo got shall in powers man
That can make you sing poorly but kick a soccer ball very very well
Um final thoughts are about this film and uh, I don't know. What would you give it one to ten?
I think I'll give it an eight. I think it's a lot of fun. I I think it's one of those you can watch
many times
Get new things out of it and and again, I was struggling because I really didn't know what was going on because subtitles were wrong
But you know, you get the gist of it
So yeah, I'd like to check it out again to where you know, I've got things correct and and it makes sense. So
Yes, it's about it's about eight for me too. This is uh, this is stuff. I enjoy this is
cultural things which is which is my
I'll tell us about a second or look what you did moment of this film is a cultural thing. I'm sure
It's it's it's an eight. Um
What's that girl's name now the the love interest uh that girl's sweet dough balls out of ten. So there you go
That's what she got when she got sad them dough balls got all salty and stuff. Come on man, you know
Yeah, this comes at the time of the show again where we say uh, this is our look what you did
Look what your brother did to that star
There you got no
Right at home. You're damn fool
You're rude adore
Oh, so Ricky, what's your look what you did part of this film? Uh a scene anything about this movie?
Uh, it's got to be the training montage more than anything else because it's really where you're starting to understand the characters
And I just I love a good training montage and I think this one is different enough
And hilarious enough that I just I loved it
My look what you did thing and this is probably the first time we've seen something like this. I'm sure it's a cultural thing, you know in in china
Was the flash mob that came out of nowhere in this movie? Oh, yeah. Oh, I forgot about that. Yeah
They made contact with their fiery eyeballs and all sudden people started singing it
They started dancing in the streets and you know it gets broken up, of course, but
This is probably the first time I've ever heard of something like that and then became like an internet sensation the idea of a flash mob
And yeah, yeah, it's weird then in the middle of a movie like this that has nothing to do with music whatsoever
Just breaks out into a song and dance
You know, so yeah, it's it's that wacky. I mean, that's that's the thing about it. You can you can go
Throughout this movie and pinpoint about every five minutes something unusual
But it works and as much as our baller the the the the leader of team evil was
That man still walked over holes in the socks is all I'm gonna say about that one
Yeah, because they they stole that man shoes. Oh man
That was the thing of this movie. I love the little things man. Um, yeah
Crazy crazy now Ricky for for the very next episode of look what you did. Uh, you have a film picked out for that
I don't
Find out what that is in the next episode then guys. Yeah. Oh, yeah
Yeah, we'll figure it out. I think I know my next one's gonna be after that. So I think it's it's into the business back of my brain. So
All right
Oh boy, yeah, I'll have to do some digging and find us a good one. So I have I have been listening to the shark episodes of the
the the doctor movies and
It like broke your heart to have the review draws for let me tell you yeah, but uh
That's nothing man. I mean
All of next week is pretty solid. I really enjoyed most of what I watched for what's coming up next week
But the week after that, which is the week that I'm recording right now
Dude, I'm struggling
I'm struggling
Oh, so microcane's like they name me after a sandwich, but it bought me a beach house. I don't care
Yeah, they named that man Hogi in the movie. Come on now, you know
Yeah, I just that's not that sounds like a fat friend in an 80s movie. Oh, come on now. Yeah
Yeah, not not a fan apart for but
Uh, there's a there's a lot more coming after that own purpose, you know, so the last shark came out today
And tomorrow is cruel jaws cruel jaws the reason I set it up that way because cruel jaws pretty much takes everything
from the Joll series and
Great white or the last shark and it rips all of them off
So bad that severed or released. They had taken off the shelf, you know, come on. Yeah, you know, yeah
It's like no no no wait right there for a second, you know
So if you want a physical copy of cruel jaws, you're one of the lucky ones. Okay, you know
As they can't sell it no mo yeah, man
But when you get on the other side of that man, there's there's a lot of crap
Oh my gosh, well, this has been look what you did and um, we'll see you all next time. Peace out!